Tips and tricks on how to go from Phase 130 in Candy Crush Saga

Candy Crush Saga is the puzzle game developed by King for Android, iPhone (iOS), Windows Phone and even browsers via Facebook. The gameplay consists of joining colored balloons and forming combos, which is very difficult at advanced levels. See, in this tutorial, the step by step to pass and surpass the challenging phase 130 of Candy Crush.

Candy Crush Saga gains expansion with new map and phases

It takes a lot of patience to overcome this level, since it is extremely complicated and dependent on luck. Still, if you follow our tips to the letter and practice a lot you will be able to pass the stage without appealing to microtransactions.

Tips and tricks on how to go from Phase 130 in Candy Crush Saga

Step 1. Level 130 has a goal very different from the other challenges of the game, since you should not break jellies or destroy chocolates, but rather break specific pieces in sequence.

Candy Crush Saga: Phase 130 has a single challenging 34-move board

Your goal is to make a single movement of drag bullets eliminate two candy stripes at one go. So keep this in mind from the beginning and avoid destroying them for nothing;

Step 2. Since you only have 34 moves, it is essential not to waste them. You will not always be able to use each movement to create candy stripes, but you should plan the board so that the next moves make it possible without fail.

Candy Crush Saga: unite bullets to make striped bullets

Move the pieces so that jellies of the same color are as close as possible to each other, and carefully study the location of your fall. Cut out useless lines and try to take the unnecessary fat out of the way to work calmly;

Step 3. To create striped bullets, you need to go one step further than normal deletions. Instead of joining three globes of the same color, it is necessary to form combos that join four equal bullets at once.

Candy Crush Saga: Watch out for the even more powerful bullets

For example, if you can drag four green candies into the other, they will form one green striped candy, which should be used to break another candy striped of any color;

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Step 4. It is essential that you do not create bullets even more powerful than the striped bullets, since they only serve to disrupt your path by destroying the other striped bullets scattered on the board.

Candy Crush Saga: Avoid using the wrapped bullets

Take every possible care not to join more than four equal bullets at once. If this happens, try to isolate the new powerful bullets at the bottom of the board, beyond the range of your movements;

Step 5. You need to have striped bullets knock out other striped bullets four times in all. This is only possible if you place these bullets in horizontal or vertical line with respect to the bullet that will be destroyed.

Candy Crush Saga: The blast radius follows the directions above

That is, have the striped bullets fall straight with another striped bullet, or calculate the tray so that the striped bullets are already created in the correct position, as shown above;

Step 6. Candy Crush Saga is a game that depends not only on your skill but also on luck. So the better you play, the board may not work in your favor.

Candy Crush Saga: Restart the game until you find a good board.

If you start a game and do not like the layout of the pieces, close the game before making any moves. This way, you can start the game again without having to spend extra lives.

How to get endless lives in Candy Crush? Find out in the forum!