Mass Effect: Andromeda: how to get the classic N7 armor

Mass Effect: Andromeda is the new chapter in the EA space franchise. Released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, the RPG features plenty of action, parallel activities and memorable characters. Among its secrets, it is possible to conquer the iconic N7 armor. Here's how to enable it.

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The N7 set is a tribute to Shepard's uniform in the first three games of the Mass Effect franchise. Despite being made available early in the campaign, the only way to equip it is through much research and development, using the new creation system of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Mass Effect: Andromeda: N7 armor was used by Shepard in previous games

Step 1. The key to creating items in Andromeda is to understand your elaborate R & D system. In all, there are three different classes of items that can be studied, but to create the clothes of the N7, we can ignore Heleus and Remnant type materials.

Turn your attention only to the technology labeled Miky Way. Also remember that Search Points are needed to release new project plans that have their own material requirements to build, as we will see in Step 5;

Mass Effect Andromeda: Collect and investigate everything you find to gain points

Step 2. To gain Search Points you need to scan the environment and objects around you, but it is also a good idea to send probes and study all the planets you find. To start your research, you need to visit the Research Center on board your ship, Tempest.

Each of the three main technology trees allows the elaboration of new improvements, armor and firearms, which are subdivided into five levels of quality. That is, you need to harvest many research points and resources to raise an item to its maximum level;

Mass Effect Andromeda: investigate the planets and especially the anomalies

Step 3. In the case of N7 equipment, listed as Pathfinder among Milky Way items, you must acquire at least 250 Research Points to develop the kit, so concentrate on conquering them from the beginning of the campaign to expedite the process . In addition, it is essential to conquer resources.

Each item surveyed requires a combination of materials to be constructed, with the resources subdivided into common minerals, biological and technological. Activate the car mining system Nomad indicates which minerals are present in each territory, making it easier to search. Try to send your mining drones only in the resource-rich areas;

Mass Effect Andromeda: Armor N7 is listed as Pathfinder in inventory

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Step 4. There are several ways to harvest materials, so try to maximize your time and do a little bit of each type of activity. On the map of the galaxy, check any anomalies you find and send probes to collect materials. On the surface of the planets, use the Omni-Tool to investigate objects.

Kill the enemies you encounter and always reap your loot, open the boxes you encounter during the phases, send your teams on attack missions to earn rewards according to difficulty, or open your inventory and deconstruct items you no longer want to use for exchange them for new resources;

Mass Effect Andromeda: Focus on resource-rich locations

Step 5. Already equipped with the Research Points and resources needed, it's time to work. To build the helmet of the N7, you need to spend 10 Platinum, 20 Iridium, 50 Copper and 10 Omni-Gel. The chest of the N7 consumes 20 Platinum, 70 Iridium, 140 Copper and 30 Omni-Gel.

The set of legs N7 charges 10 Platinum, 20 Iridium, 50 Copper and 10 Omni-Gel. Finally, a pair of N7 arms also requires 10 Platinum, 20 Iridium, 50 Copper and 10 Omni-Gel. The complete kit is very expensive, but the end result is extremely satisfying.

Mass Effect Andromeda: The N7's uniform is as nostalgic as it is powerful

Now just dress up your new items on the equipment screen and travel around the Andromeda Galaxy as a true member of the N7.

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