
How to put WhatsApp link in Instagram

A simple trick lets you add a WhatsApp chat link to the Instagram profile. The feature is ideal for business accounts, which have a specific number for customer service in the Business version of the messenger. The procedure is not recommended for ordinary users because exposing your personal phone to the Internet can pose serious security risks.

Check out, in the following tutorial, how to include a WhatsApp conversation link in the bio of an Instagram profile. The step by step was done on the iPhone (iOS), but the tips are also valid for Android users.

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Step 1. Open Instagram and touch the button in the bottom right corner of the screen to access your profile. Then touch "Edit Profile";

Edit Instagram profile

Step 2. In the "Site" section, paste the "//" link (without quotation marks) followed by your phone number with DDD (55, in the following example) and DDI (11 ) without the zero, spaces or dashes: "5511012345678";

Inserting link to conversation in WhatsApp

Step 3. If you want to make the link smaller, you can use a shortener. It's important to shorten the full link, already with your number (// Finally, touch "Finish" in the upper right corner.

Inserting shortened link

Ready. Take advantage of tips to make it easier for your WhatsApp customers to communicate through your Instagram profile.

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