
How to add Nubank invoice maturity to mobile calendar

Nubank has an option that adds an event about the expiration of the credit card bill to the calendar of the phone. This feature is useful for anyone who uses the smartphone calendar application to manage their daily appointments. Integration can also help you remember to pay your bill on time and thus avoid interest.

See, in the next step, how to enable Nubank integration with your phone's calendar. It's worth remembering that the feature is only available in the iPhone app (iOS) version.

Tip shows you how to add a payment reminder from Nubank's invoice to your phone calendar

Inviting friends to Nubank

Step 1. Access the Nubank settings. To do so, in the app home screen, swipe left. Then touch "My Data".

Access Nubank Settings

Step 2. Now, scroll the page to the end. In the "App" section, enable the "Mark calendar expiration" option. You may need to grant permission for the Nubank app to access the iPhone calendar. To do this, simply press "OK".

Enabling reminder on mobile calendar

Step 3. To see if the feature is working, open the calendar application. Lastly, tap on the day your invoice expires. The expiration event should be displayed in the day's appointments.

Event is automatically added to calendar

Take the hint to add a reminder about the expiration of your Nubank card's invoice and avoid late payment.

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