
How to Make a Photo Calendar in Word

Word, in addition to being useful for creating and editing texts, has a function that helps you create an annual calendar. Ready templates can be customized to include personal photos of your family or friends. In the case of the calendar, you can choose any year from 2018 and the program automatically updates the dates. The text editor offers another variety of templates for different purposes, such as a folder, business card and invitations to events. Check out the following tutorial how to make a custom calendar in Microsoft Word.

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Calendar made in Word with its own text editor template

Step 1. Open Word and, on the New Document page, search for "calendar" in the template search field;

Search for calendars templates in Word

Step 2. Choose the option "Family Photo Calendar";

Select your photo calendar template

Step 3. A confirmation window will appear. Confirm on "Create";

Confirm the calendar creation in Word

Step 4. A box will appear on the screen for you to choose the calendar year. Select the date you want. You can also choose whether weeks will start on Sunday or Monday. Select "OK" and the calendar will be created;

Enter the calendar year you want to create

Step 5. You can change the year at any time by clicking the "Select New Dates" button in the "Calendar" tab located in the main menu. The days and dates will be updated automatically;

You can change the calendar year when you want

Step 6. To change colors and fonts, use the buttons in the main menu, next to the text styles bar;

Edit calendar colors, themes, and fonts in Word

Step 7. To change the photos, click on one of them with the right mouse button and choose the "Change image ..." option;

Replace the template image with a personal photo

Step 8. Choose the photo you want in the files on your computer by searching Bing or by selecting OneDrive.

Select the photo on your computer, search the Internet, or download OneDrive

Step 9. Resize the photo to end the calendar.

Resize your photo in the calendar

Ready. Take the hint to create a custom calendar to print or send to your friends and family.

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