Gboard for Android turns designs into emojis; see how to use

Gboard, Google's mobile virtual keyboard, has received a new feature in its latest update. Now the app lets you draw by hand to find emoji. So the keyboard shows the options that are closest to your drawing. This tool avoids wasting time when looking for a specific emoji among so many faces.

The function was already under test a few days ago and now officially arrived at the app for Android smartphones. Here's how to use it in this tutorial.

Learn to use emoji search for drawings on Gboard

Features that the Gboard has and other mobile keyboards are

Step 1. Open any messaging application (WhatsApp, Messenger or Telegram, for example) and touch the emoji icon on the keyboard. Note that when you open the emoji panel, there will be a bar called "Search for emoticons", and in the right corner there is a button for a pencil. Touch it.

Emoji drawing button

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Step 2. The emojis panel will give way to a drawing area. So, just draw the emoji you want to use. The keyboard will show the faces closest to your drawing. Lastly, just choose the right emoji and use it.

Drawing Emoji on Gboard

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