
Enabling and Disabling the D-Link Router Firewall

D-Link routers give the user the ability to enable and disable the firewall. The security device monitors network traffic and creates a barrier against hacker attacks, corrupted information, malware, among other malicious content, but without preventing important data from passing through the network. However, in some specific cases, disabling the feature may resolve connection and conflict issues.

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In the following tutorial, you will learn how to enable and disable protection on D-Link routers. The process is done on the device configuration page, which can be easily accessed by any Internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, among others.

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Learn how to enable and disable the D-Link router firewall.

Before proceeding, it is important to note that it is not recommended to disable a router's firewall for no reason, since it is the primary security mechanism of the device. Therefore, only carry out the procedure in the last case.

Step 1. Open an Internet browser of your choice. Then in the search bar, type the IP address "" (without quotes) and hit enter to access the configuration page. If the above mentioned IP address does not work, read this other tutorial or watch the video below to find out the one from your router;

Learn how to find the IP address of the router

Step 2. When entering the IP and press Enter, a login page will appear. Use "Admin" (without quotation marks) as the user name and leave the password blank. Then click "Sign In" to enter;

Login page of the D-Link router configuration panel

Step 3. Now click on the top menu "Advanced" and then on "Firewall Settings";

D-Link Router Firewall Settings

Step 4. In the Firewall Settings section, check the "Enable SPI" box to enable the firewall or unplug to disable protection. Finally, click "Save Settings" to register the change in the router;

Enable or disable D-Link router firewall

Ready! With these tips, you already know how to enable and disable the firewall of any D-Link brand router. On some models, the change will only take effect after the reboot.

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