e-Título: how to know where to vote for the cell phone

The e-Title application allows voters to find out where they vote on their cell phone. The information can be useful for those who have moved and transferred the title to another city and do not know the address of their electoral college. In addition to the location, the user also finds the number of his section and zone.

In the following tutorial, learn how to use the e-Title app to check the address of your polling place on the go. The procedure was performed in the iPhone app version (iOS), but the tips are also good for Android users.

Learn how to use the e-Title app to discover your mobile voting location

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Step 1. Install the e-Title on your phone. When you open the app for the first time, you will need to fill in your personal information. Enter your full name, date of birth, your title number, the name of your parents and tap "Sign in".

Enter data needed to access your digital title

Step 2. After entering all the necessary data and opening your digital title, touch "Where to vote" in the lower left corner of the screen. Information such as zone, section and address of your polling place will be displayed on the screen.

Checking the address of your polling place

On the day of the vote, if you have already done the biometric re-registration, the e-Title will display your photo and the app can be used to identify the voter. Otherwise, it will be necessary to carry an official photo document (such as RG or CNH).

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