Check out tips for playing the Persona 5 RPG for PS3 and PS4

Persona 5 is an RPG for PS3 and PS4 that puts the player in a story full of supernatural monsters, relationship problems and other plot twists. The title prizes for the exploration and development of the characters, but there is also room for epic battles. Check out tips to do well in Persona 5.

How to install and configure Japanese audio in Persona 5 game

Confiants and Social Links

Perhaps the most important point of Persona 5, the Confidants system, former Social Links, is what makes the game really work, so always focus on the best links, with more useful characters. Some computer characters allow you to unlock functions even within the dungeons, which can save the characters' lives in times of tightening.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

The main tip is to talk to authorities, police officers, politicians, people who own large establishments. Each one will improve the levels of different Arcanas, also improving the performance in dungeons.

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Always save!

Persona 5 is a difficult game, even playing on the "Normal" difficulty, and it is not possible to change the difficulty throughout the adventure. Shortly after the prologue we received the possibility to save whenever necessary, especially before closing a day.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

As it is an RPG, Persona 5 can be a little cruel if the player encounters "Game Over" and can not return from another point where he stopped, especially inside dungeons or before fighting a powerful boss. Use the power of "savegame".

Free Items for Everyone

Persona 5 has some free DLCs on PlayStation Store, be sure to download them. The big "problem" is that they are limited to only one download per account, so they are not cumulative.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

Because of this, it is a good idea to download and install before starting your first Persona 5 adventure. Free items include a very useful healing kit, and a new set of card skills. There is also an extra difficulty that only serves to make the game more difficult and Japanese audio for the entire game.

Get ready for the fighting

Fighting in Persona 5 is not always easy, especially against bosses. Prepare well before entering one. Dungeons are always full of traps that can reduce the characters' lives. Use and abuse of Personas to be guaranteed and allow space for new ones to be included throughout the exploration.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

Also have space in the inventory to always guarantee the presence of potions and other items that bring back the lives of the heroes. It is also indicated to increase the Arcana link with Confidants that have life and death links, so it is possible to have automatic recoveries during battles.

Explore the scenery

The scenarios in Persona 5 are always full of elements to be explored. They are computer characters to generate new Social Link in the Confidant system, hidden items and surprises that can lead to new game elements.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

Some scenario locations can also unlock only after you get a specific item, so it's good to interact again in that dark alley near the home of a certain NPC, even though you've been through it a few times.

The Importance of Third Eye

The Third Eye is an early skill in the game, accessible through the mysterious application installed on the protagonist's phone, which lets you detect hidden elements on the scene, whether inside or outside a dungeon.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

It is important to use the Third Eye as it advances in history, but especially within dungeons. They hide many secrets and chests that can reveal powerful items. Enjoy that, at least in the beginning, there are no limits.

Never lose time

Persona 5 is a time-based game, but not in a limited way. Each day in the protagonist's life can influence how he evolves throughout the adventure. There is no need to hurry, however, since there is no way the game "ends" in time, but it is always good to know what to do and when to do it.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

Just like in the real world, you need to know how to divide your time, including the phases of a day - day, day and night. Of course, the hours do not go by the same pace, but more quickly, but it is always good to organize and schedule. Never get lost.

How Battles Work

The battles in Persona 5 are fluid and very fast, but it is easy to get lost in them. The battles are in classic turn format, varying according to the speed of the character, or the enemy. The speed status always determines who will act first, but without giving any preview during the combat itself.

Check out tips to play and play well in Persona 5 RPG

It is always good to start acting within the battle by invoking your Persona to make ready punches. Still, try to keep your characters healed whenever possible and do not let any of them fall during the match.

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