
Changing the color of the clothes in the photos

The LightX app lets you change the colors of clothing and accessories in photos. With simple operation, the program for Android and iPhone (iOS) dispenses advanced knowledge in editing software, such as Photoshop. In this way, you can "renovate" your wardrobe - even if virtually.

In the following tutorial, TechTudo teaches you step by step how to change the coloring of clothes by the cell phone. If you do not have much practice in such applications, we suggest you start with a simpler piece. In addition, in light garments it is possible to achieve a more noticeable transformation.

Purple hat transformed into blue with LightX app

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Step 1. Download and install LightX on your phone. When you open the app, tap on the "Album" option in the lower menu. Browse for a photo in the app's gallery and tap on the image you want to use.

Choose the photo with the clothes you want to change the color in LightX

Step 2. Touch the pencil icon to access the tool options. In the next menu, touch the "Splash" item.

Step 3. Drag your finger over the area of ​​the clothing you want to change the color. As soon as you complete the first "trace", a menu with tools will appear. To continue the process, activate the "Smart Selection" item. If you select a region by mistake, simply choose "Smart Eraser". In that first moment, do not worry about perfection.

Slide your finger on the piece of clothing you want to modify

Step 4. Touch the "Effect" tab. In the "Brush" option, explore the features to change the color the way you prefer. In "Light", the user is able to play with exposure, brightness and contrast. To go back to the other effects, just touch the "X".

Step 5. In "Tone", you can edit shadow, gamma and contrast. In "Heat", adjust the color temperature and hue.

Step 6. In "Color", the user can tweak the hue, saturation and intensity. Finally, in RGB, it is possible to apply a combination of red, green and blue tones to the clothing that will change.

Also mix in the Color and RGB settings of LightX

Step 7. Re-access the features of the "Tools" tab to finalize the selection settings. For greater precision, use the "Magnification" feature, which allows you to zoom in and see each part of the photo in detail when making the pincer movement with your fingers.

Use the LightX Magnification feature to see photo details

Step 8. Use the options already known as "Smart Selection" and "Smart Eraser" to select or delete a large region at a time. If you want to edit a smaller portion and adjust it manually, drag the tool options from left to right to use "Brush" and "Eraser". To finish the process, tap on the visa icon, located in the upper right corner of the screen.

Click the check icon to finish editing in LightX

Step 9. Save the edited image by tapping on the floppy icon. The photo will be stored in the LightX folder in the phone gallery.

Save the edited photo in LightX by clicking on the floppy disk icon

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