Bot on Facebook helps you learn English; see how to use Mr. Turing

Mr. Turing is a bot that takes lessons from English to Facebook Messenger for free. With just one account on the social network, you can start a conversation with the virtual robot to practice translations and learn more vocabulary of the language.

Chatbots like this simulate human speech to allow chat between machine and user. On platforms like Facebook, robots are often offered by companies for customer service, product sales or, as in the case of Mr. Turing, assist in language learning. Here's how to use the bot to learn English in Messenger for free and in a simple way.

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How to go offline on Facebook Messenger

Step 1. Go to Mr. Turing's Facebook page and click "Send Message" to open a chat window.

Open a chat window on Mr Turing

Step 2. Click "Start" to start chatbot.

Start Mr. Turing's chatbot on Facebook

Step 3. Read the initial instructions and respond with "Yes" or "Ok".

Read Mr. Turing's instructions

Step 4. At the beginning, bot classes revolve around translations. Write the translation from English to Portuguese and send in the conversation to know if you got it right or not.

Submit translations for an on-time review on Mr. Turing

Step 5. In other cases, Mr. Turing shows buttons for the user to interact with. In one, the click leads to a video on YouTube to learn new words and idioms.

Mr. Turing can display buttons for user interaction

Step 6. In more advanced questions, Mr. Turing will ask you to fill in gaps in sentences with new expressions and words learned.

Exercises ask user to fill gaps

Ready. Enjoy the robot that talks to you to learn English.

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