
Receive product alerts on Facebook Marketplace

The Facebook Marketplace for iPhone (iOS) and Android lets you create alerts for new posts about the items you want. This way, whenever someone is selling something of interest to you nearby, you will receive a notification on the social network. The functionality is ideal for those who are looking for a product with a higher price or are interested in promotions of used items.

In the following tutorial, learn how to create product search alerts on the Facebook Marketplace by mobile. The procedure was performed on an iPhone.

Learn how to receive notifications from Facebook Marketplace

How to save mobile data on Facebook for Android

Step 1. Open the Facebook Marketplace through the bottom bar of the social network. Use the search to search for the product you want. You can change the location radius of the seller, select a category, and apply a price range. To receive notifications for new items, simply check the option to the right of the bell.

Search for the product you want to monitor

On some Android devices, it is not possible to access the Marketplace from the top bar, which is below the search. In this case, you need to access the application menu and choose the "Marketplace" option.

Accessing the Facebook Marketplace on Android phones

Step 2. Whenever new items related to the product you've searched for go on sale, you'll receive a notification on the Marketplace icon. Touch it to see what's new in "Marketplace Notifications."

Notifications of new items available

Step 3. After touching a notification, the new items will appear at the top of the list. Tap on a result to see details, ask for more information and negotiate with the seller. If you want to disable the alerts, just uncheck the option "Receive notifications when new items are published".

Viewing new products for sale

Ready! Take advantage of the tips to monitor products of your interest and find the best price.

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