
How to ask SOS to other players in Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World is the new release of the popular action franchise from Capcom. Initially available for PS4 and Xbox One - the PC version is expected to arrive on Steam by the end of 2018 - the game works very well in cooperative mode for up to three players on the same hunt. In this tutorial, learn how to offer and ask for help in multiplayer.

Monster Hunter's co-operative system may seem complex at first glance, as menus and functions are not well explained in early tutorials. First, you need to be connected to the internet and in an online room to access the multiplayer functions.

Check out Monster Hunter: World Analysis

Monster Hunter: World - Gameplay commented

How to ask for help from other players

During the hunt, in times of difficulty, go to a safe location, press the pause button and locate the "Mission" tab. Once this is done, choose the "Shoot Signal SOS" option and wait for other players to enter the game. Remember to remove the password so that unknown users can help you.

Signal. SOS"

Keep in mind that depending on the type of target, your character can only ask for help when the creature has already been discovered. If the hunter still has to collect clues, it will not be possible to send SOS until the monster is located on the map.

Monster Hunter: World: Allow passwordless entry to allow help from unknown users

Offering help to other players

Unlike asking for help, offering your services to other players requires a little more patience. When accessing the base in Astera, look for one of the mission charts or speak directly with the Wizard.

Monster Hunter: World: Go to the mission board or talk to the Wizard

After that, press the "Enter a Mission" tab to access the multiplayer hunts currently available.

in a Mission "

Note that there are two options: "Missions Available" (if someone is present in your squad) and respond to SOS (which will direct you to the list of open missions).

Monster Hunter: World: reply to SOS from the multiplayer menu

In the call selection tab, you can filter missions using the search criteria. Choose the type, the difficulty, the prizes that will be awarded, language and, mainly, the target to be shot.

Monster Hunter: World: Use the search criteria to find the ideal mission

When you apply the search filters, you will be directed to category selection, where all open missions are displayed and separated between "Assigned", "Optional", "Investigations" and "Expeditions". The event flap, however, will depend on the hunter's current level.

Monster Hunter: World: choose the mission from the category menu

Finally, analyze the conditions of the hunt and offer help in the mission that you like. Be aware of the start time of the match in the lower left corner of the screen, since activities started with a time longer than 10 minutes will not award completion rewards.

Monster Hunter: World: Finally, set the hunting mission to give help to another player

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